Cera Pro

Autor: TypeMates

Lizenz: Bezahlte Schriftart(Paid font)

Sprachunterstützung: Kyrillisch, Latein

Kategorien: Sans Serif (Sans Serif, Grotesk)

  • 06.01.2019
  • 74985
  • 71641
  • 37
Cera Pro
Cera Pro
Cera Pro
Cera Pro
Cera Pro
Cera Pro
  • English
  • Українська
  • Français
  • Deutsch
  • Español
  • čeština
  • Danish
  • Русский
  • Greek
  • Hindi
  • polski
  • Slovak
  • Swedish
  • AaBbCc
  • ABC
  • abc
  • АаБбВв
  • АБВ
  • абв
  • Numbers
Cera Pro Thin
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Thin Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Light
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Light Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Regular
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Regular Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Medium
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Medium Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Bold
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Bold Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Black
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Cera Pro Black Italic
The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
Bemerkungen (8)
naila aus 20.06.2019 14:45:45
Nat aus 13.09.2019 10:15:26
Good! good!
Francien aus 16.09.2019 11:39:58
Nice good font
houda elazhari aus 29.10.2019 16:15:23
bonbon bonbon bonbon
jOACIM aus 12.01.2021 18:41:10
It works! Thanks!
jos aus 04.03.2021 21:03:49
thank it very good
Hestia aus 18.06.2024 11:48:07
It doesnt work
Ukraine aus 12.08.2024 15:07:30
Good! good!
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